Where should you put your Glance Clock?


Most of us are constantly worried about our schedule and afraid to miss important events. We are super busy and obsessed with time. Clocks, calendars and phones can help us to take control of our time. 

When I was a young girl, we used to have wall clocks in every room. I recently didn’t have wall clock at home. However, every time I go to gym or office - places where wall clocks are placed, I check them often. Thanks to that, I can easily avoid opening social media and distracting myself.  

How to find the best place for your Glance Clock? Just ask yourself two basic questions:

  1. In which places you don’t want to check your phone?
  2. Where do you want to see notifications? 

Here are just few examples of how to leverage their value:



I think the basic function you will use every morning is alarm. With Glance clock you can get up easier from bed as even your light can be automated. I find it very useful to see weather, birthdays or my first appointment from calendar on the clock immediately after I open my eyes.

I set up fitness activity on the clock to motivate me in the morning with fitness goals or summarise my day, before going to sleep. 

In addition, if you want to know whether your kids turned off light in their room or turned off TV, Glance Clock can show you small symbols to inform.

Kids’ room

Kids absolutely LOVE Glance Clock!

Younger kids love the smiley face and colourful notifications and easier learn to read time. Older can see what song is now playing, keep track of their schedule and know when they have to study. Of course, they use all basic features as alarm or weather too.


You may wish to consider to put Glance Clock to your kitchen. It allows you to set up multiple timers to avoid burning your meal. If you are eating and don’t want to miss your favourite TV show, Glance Clock can notify you when it starts.

Moreover, during drinking your morning coffee you probably want to know when you have to leave the house. The Clock can check the traffic for you and show you the best time to leave. 


Living Room

It can be handy to see your upcoming calls and messages during your favourite TV show or when you are just chatting with your family. 

You may find useful the option to easily set up your fitness goals and Glance Clock will motivate you to get up from couch.


I would like to suggest to get one Glance Clock for your office. If you need to know what time is right now in various parts of the world, you can use a colour symbol to show you time in selected time zones.

Notification from your calendar, or when you should leave for a meeting according to traffic or to know when Uber driver arrives is handy too. Moreover, we integrated productivity apps such as Pomodoro to make you more productive .

We all want to be fit. With the right notifications you can drink water regularly, stand up when you are sitting for too long or remind yourself to look away from the screen for a moment to protect your eyes.


I’m obsessed with planning, to –do lists and scheduling. Glance clocks helps me avoid checking my phone all the time, what is of course helping me to avoid to procrastination.